The true story of a special relationship between two pro football players, Gale Sayers (Billy Dee Williams) and Brian Piccolo (James Caan), who first made news as the NFL’s first interracial roommates. Piccolo’s heroic fight against cancer and the constant support and friendship of Sayers make this a moving and unforgettable film.
An army commander must battle his own friend and force his friend's tribe to move onto a reservation.
Here are 24 of the best performances from their first to last!
In this continuation of the classic novel, Billy returns from WWII to his grandfather's home and tries to readjust to civilian life. But the killing he witnessed in the war, along with the loss of a leg, have embittered him. It is through the gift of two puppies and a new friend that Billy rediscovers himself. Starring Doug McKeon and Wilfred Brimley. Award winner for excellence by the film advisory board