This production sweeps us inexorably through the 'greatest story ever told,' from Jesus' birth in Bethlehem to His triumphant ascension on the Mount of Olives.
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Once you've seen this film, reading the gospels will never be the same again! It's like reading them in Technicolor rather than black and white! Events in the life of Jesus leap dramatically from the page when one can visualize their original setting.
This production sweeps us inexorably through the "greatest story ever told," from Jesus' birth in Bethlehem to His triumphant ascension on the Mount of Olives.
David Nunn's enthusiastic presentation never tires as he features the latest archaeological discoveries and the insights they provide. This film is an inspiration and education for all ages. It really enables one to "walk with Jesus" in the company of His disciples.
Includes Bible references in PDF
The indefatigable and enthusiastic David Nunn (see Galloping Through the Gospels and Exploring Biblical Jordan) is once again our guide in this travelogue documentary that focuses on sites associated with the life of Jesus. Divided into 16 segments (which run consecutively but can be accessed separately from the menu), the program visits Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee, Capernaum, the Sea of Galilee, the Garden of Gethsemnae, and Golgotha. among other locations, with Nunn providing scriptural commentary, backed by illustrations and music complementing the pleasant cinematography.
Church interiors and archaeological sites in modern-day Israel help pinpoint probable locations of specific biblical events, providing a solid overview of the pilgrimmage experience for both prospective tourists and armchair travelors. Recommended. - J. Reed
This documentary provides viewers with a chronological journey through the important places and events in Jesus' life. Host David Nunn enthusiastically reads biblical accounts over images of present-day Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Galilee. The film depicts the ruins of ancient buildings and roads, as well as existing monuments that stand in tribute to Jesus' works and words. Nunn's narration suggests he is certain he is standing where Jesus once stood, but the identification of these places is based on scholarly speculation.
Viewers hoping for a travelogue or historical look at Israel will be disappointed. However, the film succeeds in helping viewers form a mental picture of the places mentioned in the Gospels. Recommended for teens and adults who want to get a more vivid understanding of the life of Jesus. - JS
"Journeying with Jesus in the Holy Land" is an updated and expanded version of a 2004 DVD, "Galloping through the Gospels." This DVD is a 56-minute travelogue of major Christian sites where dramatic events in the life of Jesus unfold. Starting with the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth, the narrator tells Christ's story chronologically. Along the way, we travel to Bethlehem, the River Jordan, the wilderness, Galilee and finally to the places in Jerusalem for the events of Christ's Passion and Death.
David Nunn provides insight, Bible passages and descriptions. Since most of us will never travel to the Holy Land, it is fascinating to see the places and churches that now occupy those sites where pilgrims of all places and ages worship. This is an introduction to the places of Jesus that all would enjoy seeing.
There are lots of DVDs that tell the story of Jesus Christ. There are even more that focus on the religious rights of the Holy Land. But "Journeying with Jesus" is the best I've run across that blends the two.
David Nunn takes us on the journey beginning just before the birth of Jesus and up past the triumphant resurrection of our Lord.
He takes us inside The Church of the Nativity in the heart of Bethlehem, where it's believed the Grotto of the Nativity contains the manger mentioned in the Bible. The grotto is encased in white marble.
We witness people being baptized in the Jordan River where Christ was immersed by John the Baptist.
Archeologists are almost certain they've found the home of Peter in Capernaum where his mother-in-law was healed by Jesus. The Byzantines constructed a new octagonal church, placed directly on top of the walls of Peter's house in the fifth century.
You'll even see the hideous Golgotha Skull Hill -- there will be no mistaking how the place got it's name.
This would be the perfect DVD for any individual or Bible class with a desire to dig a little deeper into the birth, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This would be the perfect DVD for any individual or Bible class with a desire to dig a little deeper into the birth, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This video consists of 16 segments with a total running time of 56 minutes. The host, David Nunn, takes the audience on a tour of the Holy Land following the chronology of Jesus' birth, death and resurrection. It was interesting to see some of the sites. Some are vastly different from what they looked like in Jesus' time, such as the Temple Mount. Others sits, such as the Nazareth Village, have been recreated with historical actors portraying different tasks such as carpentry, cooking, and milling grain. Other sites are shown as excavations.
Throughout the Holy Land churches have been built over places where portions of Jesus' ministry us said to have taken place. Many of these places cannot be verified but the guide follows the tradition that has identified these places with events such as Jesus' birth and baptism.
Through this video the audience gets a fairly good idea of what sites a tour of the Holy Land might be like. David Nunn's excitement and knowledge of scripture are evident as he recites scripture where it happened. This video could be split up into different segments as sown as part of a Bible Study or Sunday School class that wanted to get a picture of what the specific places looked like. The segments are divided by location making such a use particularly easy.
The Holy Land through a Catholic lens.