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Informed: Life is Worth Living

In order to make informed decisions about critical medical issues, citizens need to know what is really happening in healthcare today. This documentary features an impressive array of experts who share crucial information about current trends in the healthcare system and offer advice about important end-of-life decisions.

  • Item 501729D
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: DVD
  • Running Time: 56 mins

Alternate formats: Digital Video - $3.99

Retail: $19.99
Price: $5.00
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This documentary examines euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide and highlights the testimonies of those who have been most intimately impacted. In order to make informed decisions about critical medical issues, citizens need the unvarnished truth about these vitally important topics. This program features an impressive array of experts who share crucial information about current trends in the healthcare system and offer advice about making important end-of-life decisions. Topics include living wills, brain death, organ donation, hospice care, and more. Produced by the Human Life Alliance.

Includes optional English Subtitles.

Editorial Reviews

Produced by the pro-life organization Human Life Alliance, Informed: Life Is Worth Living presents a case against various forms of euthanasia, including self-administered suicide, doctor-assisted suicide, and so-called "Death with Dignity." Additionally, the film rejects passive acceptance by patients of a diagnosis of terminal disease, and argues against medical termination of life when doctors determine that a patient is permanently incapacitated. The documentary begins with an overview of legal options for anyone who wants control over what happens to them in the event of medical emergencies, opting for a durable power of attorney over a living will, since the former protects rights in the event one is unable to make decisions. Deep skepticism about the medical community permeates Informed, including a certain amount of paranoia that doctors or hospital staff sometimes falsify documents pertaining to care, as well as suspicions that a ghoulish, profitable trade in organs drives euthanasia in hospitals (some of this seems outlandish). The bulk of the film consists of first-person stories told by people who believe they were manipulated by doctors to give up prematurely on their own survival or that of their children. Given that the death-by-choice argument remains unresolved in many states, this pro-life film effectively presents one side of the debate, even if some of the claims here seem questionable. Recommended, with reservations.

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