Carry Me Home is a short film following the true story of Maria Ennals (Lindsey Grimble) and her family in the Antebellum South in the cold winter of 1860. Maria is a young mother trapped in slavery who seizes the opportunity to escape with her family when she encounters HARRIET TUBMAN (Karen Abercrombie, War Room).
Alternate formats: Digital Video - $3.99
Carry Me Home is a short film following the true story of Maria Ennals (Lindsey Grimble) and her family in the Antebellum South in the cold winter of 1860. Maria is a young mother trapped in slavery who seizes the opportunity to escape with her family when she encounters HARRIET TUBMAN (Karen Abercrombie, War Room).
Harriet leads the young family through a number of trials on the Underground Railroad, causing them all to question whether or not freedom is worth the price they must pay to obtain it.
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