Lost Legacy Reclaimed is a docudrama series about the early Christian Church in North Africa, its great leaders, teachers, and martyrs. The four episodes cover Victor, The Scillitan Martyrs, Perpetua, and Tertullian.
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Lost Legacy Reclaimed is a docudrama series about the early Christian Church in North Africa, its great leaders, teachers, and martyrs. Meet these faithful Christians from the first five centuries of church history who set a high standard for future generations by sacrificing for Jesus Christ during intense persecution from the Roman Empire and others. All of these stories take place in North Africa, then a part of the Roman Empire and today a region dominated by Islamic culture. Lost Legacy Reclaimed reveals the existence of a vibrant Christian community that predates the arrival of Islam. The four episodes cover Victor, The Scillitan Martyrs, Perpetua, and Tertullian. Leader and Participant Guides can be downloaded from "Resources" below.
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