In the Gospels the main story is the life of Jesus, but there are smaller stories about fisherman and Pharisees and tax collectors. This is a series of eight short video stories about people who met him.
1. Series Open
2. Simon Peter
3. Matthew
4. The Centurion
5. The Woman at the Well
6. The Nobleman
7. Jairus
8. The Rich Young Ruler
9. Nicodemus
An excellent addition for small group use.
The small group of teens I lead loves People Who Met Jesus, a two-part DVD series that contains short dramatic presentations of Bible stories about people Jesus ministered to. We've been working through the series gradually. I keep asking the teens if we should continue, and the answer I get is yes.
Each DVD has eight lessons. The first DVD covers Simon Peter, Matthew, the centurion who asked Jesus to heal his servant, the woman at the well, the nobleman who approached Jesus about his dying son, Jairus, the rich young ruler, and Nicodemus. The second DVD includes Zacchaeus, the man born blind, Annas the priest, Caiaphas, Judas Iscariot, Herod Antipas, Pontius Pilate, and Joseph of Arimathea. Bible scholar Christopher Gornold-Smith provides relevant background information before each drama. The segments - including the introductions - are about six minutes long. Study guides containing questions and key scriptures for each character can be downloaded from
During a meeting, our group watches one person's story from the DVD. I have found it helpful to replay the introduction after we view the drama because at that point the background information is even more helpful. Then we complete the corresponding study guide. If participants look up answers in the Bible as pairs or teams, it prevents those who are unfamiliar with Scripture from becoming embarrassed. It takes about 30 minutes to watch the video and complete the Bible study.
Using this series has shown me how hungry the teens in my group are for Bible studies. It has also increased their knowledge of Bible characters. Before watching these DVDs, my group was familiar with only three of the characters covered in this series. - Recommended by: Ann Lyons
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