Walk hand-in-hand with four different cancer patients and survivors who discover new meaning and purpose to their lives as they face the unknown future during their battles. From hearing the news from their physician, to going through chemotherapy, to battling the different fears and emotions, these individuals testify how their faith plays a major role in giving them hope as they travel an Unexpected Journey.
Walk hand-in-hand with four different cancer patients and survivors who discover new meaning and purpose to their lives as they face the unknown future during their battles. From hearing the news from their physician, to going through chemotherapy, to battling the different fears and emotions, these individuals testify how their faith plays a major role in giving them hope as they travel an Unexpected Journey. Widescreen
Four Christian cancer survivors are at the center of filmmaker Don Albert's documentary, which explores the heightening of faith and sense of purpose that often accompanies the onset of disease. Varied individuals open up about their histories battling cancer, talk about where they found support, and discuss the ways in which they struggled to reconcile their love of God with seemingly pointless suffering. In each case, the survivors passed through stages of fear, sorrow, and anger before accepting that their trials offered an opportunity to put themselves in God's hands and be carried to the titular higher calling. One woman completed her music education and mastered the oboe, hoping to bring joy and be a voice for God, while others turned their attention to helping people with cancer. Cutting back and forth between interviews while also interspersing comments from the subjects' healthcare providers and relatives, this inspiring documentary full of hope and love is recommended.
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