Part 1 of Season 3 of Jovis Bon-Hovis (Episodes 1-7)
Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew is a fun, vibrant, and exciting show, perfect for kids ages 3-7.
Episode 01 - Jovis Bon-Hovis is bursting with variety to keep young minds entertained, using Scripture Time, Song Time, Story Time, Arty Crafty Time and outside adventure with the Creation Crew kids, all tied tigether with a hilarious situation playing out in Creation Crew HQ! Join Jovis and his puppet friends the Creation Crew as they learn through their mistakes that trusting in God and His Word is always the best way.
Episode 02 - Jovis is struggling to see the value in people, especially Katy Caterpillar, who's so small, surely she's not important? However when he loses something important to him, he realizes what a difference one small thing can make.
Episode 03 - Jovis's goodness comes shining through when he discovers his friends are in terrible need. But he soon finds he has nothing left, how can looking after people be such a good idea after all?
Episode 04 - Everybody in Creation Crew HQ seems to be behaving terriby badly, in Jovis's opinion anyway! Everybody else can see he does all the same things himself! But surely, only a mole would ever eat anything as disgusting as a snail?
Episode 05 - It seems perfectly logical to Jovis that if somebody hurts you, you should get them back. But when Mr. Bosanti-Crayco pushes him to the end of his tether, Jovis has a better idea than revenge…
Episode 06 - There's a party later, but Jovis just can't stand the wait, he wants to go to the party now! There's only one sensible thing to do, invent a TIME MACHINE!
Episode 07 - There's a miserable atmosphere in Creation Crew HQ, and Jovis thinks he knows exactly what the problem is. Joy Boots and a Happy Hat! They don't have the desired effect, and he has to learn that real joy comes from God.
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