This International Media Ministries short focuses on brokenness.
Do you ever wonder if your life counts for anything and whether anyone really cares? This clip explores the question of our personal significance in an artistic and emotional way. When we discover the perfect love of God and how it fills the empty hole of insignificance, it can set us free to love others and changes our focus- to love and be loved.
A story of family love, loyalty and boundless faith. Walter is faced with a terminal illness while his son-in-law is struggling with grief over the death of his young wife and his disbelief in God. In an unforgettable scene, Walter's rugged faith is conveyed to his adoring grandson. Starring Robert Mitchum, Rhonda Fleming, and Jameson Parker.
This clip explores influence. How far does your voice carry and how far does the rhythm of the drum go? Perhaps your influence extends further than you think.
This International Media Ministries short focuses on the brevity of life.
This International Media Ministries short focuses on violence.
The Chosen tells the story of the first Christmas through the eyes of a shepherd whose life of suffering and rejection changes when he and his fellow shepherds receive a miraculous revelation.
The second short film from Vertical Church Films (The Ride), The Two Thieves (formerly entitled Once We Were Slaves) captures the uncommon grace and redemption of the crucifixion from a perspective that’s never before been captured on film.
A story of family love, loyalty and boundless faith. Walter is faced with a terminal illness while his son-in-law is struggling with grief over the death of his young wife and his disbelief in God. In an unforgettable scene, Walter's rugged faith is conveyed to his adoring grandson. Starring Robert Mitchum, Rhonda Fleming, and Jameson Parker.