When an Indian boy, Frankie, becomes separated from his family, he is taken in by a rancher who shares his love of horses with Frankie and sees that he attends school. But when Frankie is accused of theft, he must battle prejudice in the white community with the aid of the rancher and his school teacher.
Newly-hired waitress, Megan, gets a taste of customer service when three elderly men walk into the restaurant one Wednesday morning. Crotchety, persnickety and eccentric, the three men give Megan a run for her money. In spite of initial impressions and the snide remarks of Martha, her co-waitress, Megan rolls up her sleeves and endeavors to be the best server possible for her three regular customers, and a slow but warm friendship blossoms.
It’s Christmas Eve in the suburbs of Chicago and a bored and disengaged taxi driver reluctantly accepts one more pickup. He soon begins to suspect that his passenger is planning to commit suicide. The cabbie prolongs the ride in an uncharacteristic attempt to connect and help. See how grace invades the hearts of both men in this powerful short film by Dallas Jenkins, producer of What If…
This intense film deals with abortion, casual sex and teen relationships. As God created life in the Garden of Eden, Eli, a teacher at Eden High School, creates life in his basement. He will give the responsibility to his students to care for the lives he creates. Some will pass; others will fail. One will abort the life he has given her. For Emily, a 17-year-old high school junior, Eli's class project will change her life, including her relationship with her abusive boyfriend, Jason.
A disconnected family is transformed by long-lost Uncle Nino, an old-world Italian who unexpectedly arrives on their doorstep for a visit.
Wanda (Patricia Heaton) and Sarah (Meredith Baxter) are estranged sisters at odds over what to do with a pecan grove they've inherited following their mother's death. Wanda wants to keep the land in the family while Sarah, who is hiding a devastating secret, wants desperately to sell.
This feature-length film traces the life of Mary in her many roles — as mother to Jesus, wife of Joseph, and inspiration to all.
Who are the Watchers? Is a race of benign extraterrestrials secretly influencing the world’s governments? Are these creatures really ancient aliens sent to protect humanity from self-destruction, or are they evil beings set on deception as the world approaches its final days?
Sent on a journey 170 years into the future, Scrooge encounters a world even colder and greedier than his own, a world that includes a young cutthroat businessman named Timothy Cratchit VI. Will Scrooge be able to turn Cratchit from his selfish ways and teach him the true meaning of Christmas? Mister Scrooge to See You! is a lighthearted and entertaining follow-up to Dicken's classic tale.
Kevin hates living on the mission field. Mario is in a constant struggle for survival on the streets of manila. Rina is abducted with no hope of escape. When the three cross paths, they find themselves in an adventure they will never forget. One that will change their lives forever. This exciting film is for the whole family but is especially suitable for junior high age viewers.
In this adventure of imagination, young Tess, a shy girl of 13, discovers a new meaning for love on Valentine's Day. Through a very special book, she meets the third century martyr Valentine and his Christian friends. They show her what it means to love others as Jesus loves us, and to receive that love in return.
Bruce Marchiano actúa en esta dramática producción que ayuda a los espectadores a descubrir lo que puede haber pasado durante la milagrosa travesía por el camino a Emaús. Esta es una historia que ha cautivado la imaginación de muchas generaciones.
Abbey, a typical American teenager comes face to face with the persecution of the Chinese Christians and the all-too-common ignorance of Christians in the free world.
The story of the notorious New York City notorious gang leader Nicky Cruz (Eric Estrada) and the skinny, Bible welding preacher, David Wilkerson (Pat Boone) is one of those rare films that has shown its unique power to connect with the deepest hopes and fears of youth around the world.
The heroic Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who rebelled against the evil of Nazi Germany and vehemently opposed Hitler during World War 2, could have kept his peace and saved his life on several occasions but instead paid the ultimate price for his convictions.
Things are not always as they seem... especially when entering the halls of a desperate mind in this gripping supernatural thriller. Struggling to keep her fragile sanity from unraveling, Prosecutor Ann Brown is offered a murder case that will challenge everything she believes to be true.
When a shadowy organization calling itself “The Real Deal” shuts down the country’s satellite communications systems and replaces the airwaves with cryptic messages about the state of the world, a group of Catholic high school students must decide how to respond. 17-year -old Mouse Mussendon embarks on a mission to find the truth behind the mysterious Real Deal messages. The Real Deal will engage and challenge teens and young adults as they articulate their identities, choose their life’s direction, and explore how to live out their faith in the real world.
After the death of his father, Nicholas Nickleby (Derek Bond), and his mother (Mary Merrall) and sister (Sally Ann Howes) are cared for by his greedy uncle Ralph (Cedric Hardwicke), who accepts the duty rather unwillingly.
Eric Landry is a cold-hearted man that people have nick-named “the Beast.” Belle Watson is his exact opposite. When Belle is thrust into Landry’s life, she struggles against his nasty nature and in the process discovers the man behind the Beast. Belle and the Beast is a heartwarming love story. Dove family approved.
With the children’s constant bickering, pretty packages and a sweet-smelling tree don’t come close to filling the McDonald home with the true spirit of the first Christmas. Then Mom remembers an old tradition of building a soft bed for Baby Jesus one straw at a time. Each time someone secretly does something nice for another family member, he or she gets to add a single straw to the manger. Soon the children's quarreling and negative feelings subside and the homemade crib is overflowing. But for one family member, a required act of kindness becomes more than he can take.
There be Dragons is an epic action-adventure romance set during the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War. The story traces the lives of two young men, Josemaria Escriva (Charlie Cox) and Manolo Torres (Wes Bentley), childhood friends who are separated by the political upheaval of pre-war Spain to find themselves on opposite sides as war erupts. Choosing peace, Josemaria becomes a priest and struggles to spread reconciliation by founding the movement Opus Dei (work of God).
A deeply moving adventure through the fear that so often holds us back.
From the beautiful Swiss Alps comes a contemporary retelling of a classic story of God’s Love.