Using C.S. Lewis’s own words, award-winning actor Max McLean inhabits Lewis to take us on his rigorous journey from hard-boiled atheist to “the most reluctant convert in all England.” Discover how the “Hound of Heaven” pursued Lewis relentlessly until he finally “gave in”…only to become the most influential Christian writer of the 20th century.
Genesis is the story of stories, an eloquent telling of the first book of the Bible, a theatrical tour de force. With remarkable energy and a gift for storytelling that can prickle the back of your neck, McLean captures the humor and pathos in Genesis' dramatic sweep from Eden to Babel, from the immense flood of Noah to Abraham's heart-cleaving sacrifice of his son Isaac, from the epic destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to Jacob's soul-wounding wrestling match with the Angel of God.
How to Create Authentic Costumes - New Testament Edition
We have all felt the power of a well-told story. That's one reason why teachers, preachers and speakers who could tell a story are so fondly remembered. Their stories touched us, taught us, shaped us. Now it's our turn. We yearn to tell stories that will touch, teach and shape the hears in our family circle, classroom, congregation or public forum. Storytelling Know-How for Teachers, Preachers and Speech-ifiers shows just how to tell such stories, how our eyes, voice, face, hands and props can be used to make our listeners' imaginations soar.
This latest offering in The Dancing Word series offers an inspiring encounter with Mary Magdalene.
The Dancing Word offers a unique hybrid of storytelling and dance created by Betsey Beckman, one of the finest liturgical dancers in North America. Here is the Bible - and two of its most important women -- Miriam and Mary -- made powerfully present with an expressive artistry to charge the imagination, soften the heart, and fire the soul with love.
Betsey Beckman, renowned liturgical dancer and J. Michael Sparough, S.J., storyteller and author, present an artisitic retelling of the Woman at the Well.
This dramatic, yet very personal video features award-winning actor/writer Curt Cloninger portraying eight diverse characters (real and imagined) who reflect on their relationship with Jesus.
From the epitome of pain and agony to the world's most amazing act of love, The Passion takes you on an emotional journey through the most pivotal moment in history. It is brilliant and gripping story that demonstrates not only the depth and power of God’s love, but His ability to transform a symbol of death -- the cross -- into a symbol of everlasting hope and life.
Using C.S. Lewis’s own words, award-winning actor Max McLean inhabits Lewis to take us on his rigorous journey from hard-boiled atheist to “the most reluctant convert in all England.” Discover how the “Hound of Heaven” pursued Lewis relentlessly until he finally “gave in”…only to become the most influential Christian writer of the 20th century.
In a simple Christmas performance, Curt Cloninger portrays six different characters (both historical and imagined) whose stories were somehow intertwined with the birth and early years of Jesus.