Hello! And welcome to the Bedbug Bible Gang Lost and Found! The bedbugs have been searching for three fun Bible stories to share. And they've found them with Lost in the Temple, The Lost Coin, and The Forgiving Father Farmer. The tales are told through silly rhymes, memorable songs, and play-along games. You'll find that you can't get enough!
Hello! And welcome to the Bedbug Bible Gang Parable Parade! The bedbugs are just itching to show you three of their favorite stories from the Bible: the parables of the Sower, the Lost Sheep, and the Good Samaritan.
Hello! And welcome to the Bedbug Bible Gang Creation Celebration! It will be the party of a lifetime, and it's just getting started. You'll love to hear the stories of Creation, Dancing Clay and the Garden of Eden.
Hello! And welcome to the Bedbug Bible Gang Big Boats of the Bible! The bedbugs are ready to row towards a great high seas adventure, and you're welcome to join.
Hello! And welcome to the Bedbug Bible Gang God's Little Heroes! The bedbugs are ready to share their favorite short stories about their favorite small people.
Hello! And welcome to the Bedbug Bible Gang Passover Potluck. The bedbugs are ready to tell a wonderful story that takes place right on your plate.
Hello! And welcome to the Bedbug Bible Gang Friendly Friends! The bedbugs are just itching to introduce you to some of their favorite friends from the Bible.
Hello! And welcome to the Bedbug Bible Gang Wonderful Weddings! Every bedbug loves weddings, and you're invited to come along to three of their favorites.
Hello! And welcome to the Bedbug Bible Gang Dandy Dreams. The bedbugs are buzzing off to bed to hear the story of a young boy who had some dandy dreams.
Ready for a good laugh! In this release from Bed Bug Bible Gang, the bedbugs share their favorite farming stories from the Bible. Your child will enjoy the stories of the Parable of the Sower, the Story of the Helpful Son, and Farmer Brown Goes to Town.
Are you hungry? We hope so, because the Bed Bug Bible Gang sure is! And the bedbugs are rubbing their tummies in anticipation of what’s cooking on this DVD. They'll share the stories of the Bottomless Jar, Jesus' Special Supper, and the Lunch That Grew and Grew! And as always there are songs to sing, games to play, and lots of good food stories to feast on.
Little Shepherd is a playful drama with an endearing message that will captivate the entire family. In the dark of night, the fields surrounding Bethlehem are alive with expectation. Wolves have been spotted and every shepherd is nervous -- including young Joel and his family. Yet what is about to happen is not expected at all!
Hello! And welcome to the Bedbug Bible Gang Jumbled Journeys! The bedbugs are setting out on a trio of mixed up adventures in the desert. The stories of The Ten Commandments, Wilderness Wandering, and Jesus' Temptation are told through rhyme and song. So lace up those sandals because this Jumbled Journey is about to begin.
The Bed Bug Bible Gang invites your child to join the fun as they present stories of Miriam and Moses, Ruth and Naomi, and Mary and Martha in a way a 4 to 8 year old can understand and have fun at the same time.
This marvelous animation introduces the Ten Commandments in stories that children of today can relate to and understand in their own way.
Joy to the World: The Christmas Story -- When an angel appears to Mary and explains that she's going to have God's baby, Mary agrees to do whatever God would have her do. She and Joseph travel to Bethlehem for the census, but when they arrive at the inn, there is no room for them. The innkeeper lets them stay in the stable where they prepare for the greatest event in history--the birth of Christ.
The bedbugs are zipping and zooming to share stories of their furry friends from the Bible featuring the stories of Daniel for Dinner, the Lost Sheep, and the Furriest Float! So saddle up and join them as they sing songs and share stories any 4-8 year old would love!
Who better to teach children about the life of John the Baptist than the Bedbug Bible Gang! Using 3-D computer animation and live-action puppets, the Bedbugs help children (3-8) see God’s plan for the eccentric prophet’s life even before he was born!
A Lot to Swallow: The Story of Jonah - Jonah is given a mission by God but chooses to disobey and instead boards a ship going in the opposite direction. Thrown overboard during a storm, he survives three days in the belly of a whale where he repents and is given a second opportunity to deliver God's message.
These six delightfully illustrated short stories of seven to ten minutes each teach Christian truths in a gentle and understandable way to children ages five to nine.
"The Seven Baths" is an exciting show about the importance and power of following God's direction. Naaman, though a great warrior, found himself fighting for his life as he searched for a cure for his illness. He discovered that by listening to God amazing things happen, including miracles!
In this delightful video designed for the very young, your child will participate in and learn about the foundations of music — rhythm, melody, harmony, lyrics — through the use of instruments, voices, movement, simple props, share time, and field trip. All songs and music used in the video are original pieces that are refreshingly different.
Go Look in the Manger -- Eight-year-old Ricky borrows his mother's favorite record to take to school for show-and-tell on the condition that, if it is broken, he will get no Christmas presents. Candy Makers Christmas -- "Only the finest for the king," cheers the candy maker as he mixes and stirs and twirls his latest creation. As he walks into the snowy night, August is certain that he has made the perfect Christmas present for the royal family.
Discovering the Baby King -- The Story of Christmas follows the search for the baby Jesus from the prophets of the Old Testament through the hunting of King Herod. Discovering the Empty Tomb -- The Story of Easter follows Jesus from his triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to his glorious resurrection on Easter morning. Discovering the Kingdom -- Jesus' Kingdom Parables retells a handful of Jesus' favorite stories: the parables.