A young man's perspective is challenged when he learns that his estranged father is dying. Now he must face the truth before his bitterness destroys him. Featuring Antoine McKay (Empire) and Mimi Sagadin, (Return to the Hiding Place)
A man named Pilgrim discovers a book, and the more he reads it, the more he is convicted of sin and judgment and a burden begins to develop on his back. Obsessed with discovering the truth and escaping his town, the City of Destruction, Pilgrim ventures outside the forbidden borders and begins his journey to find a Celestial City ruled by a good and noble King, meeting friends and foes along the way.
Everybody knows the story of Santa Claus, the red–suited figure who lives at the North Pole and distributes gifts to good children every Christmas eve. But is there any historical evidence on which this jolly old character is based? Was there a real Santa Claus? To answer that question, host Mark Wilson, a distinguished historian and archeologist travels not to the North Pole but to modern day Turkey and Italy. There he uncovers clues that lead to the truth about the man behind the legend.
With God On Our Side takes a hard look at the theology and politics of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God’s chosen people, Israeli government policies should not be questioned, even when these policies are unjust.
No Bright Lights gives an up close and personal profile of Networks Romania, a Christian relief organization reaching out to some of Romania’s poorest people. In a shifting social and political environment many Romanian children find themselves abandoned to the streets where they experience extreme poverty and injustice. Networks Romania works with the community to help stabilize families through word and deed expressions of the Gospel.
Are we really asking the “big questions” or have our lives, in an age of mass media accelerated beyond our ability to stop and reflect? In a Still Small Voice challenges us to ask questions about art and life in the context of what it means to be truly human.
It's time to encounter the authentic Jesus! In this fresh and innovative series of short teaching films, church leader and gifted communicator Andy Frost asks us to take a new look at Jesus. Is he the Jesus we think we know? Built around remarkably authentic dramatic reenactments from the Gospels combined with Frost's incisive biblical commentary, each 12-15 minute episode will peel away our safe and sanitized views of Jesus and reveal the original Jesus of the Gospels. Each installment includes challenging questions for discussion and mediative prayers by Andy Frost.
It's time to encounter the authentic Jesus! In this fresh and innovative series of short teaching films, church leader and gifted communicator Andy Frost asks us to take a new look at Jesus. Is he the Jesus we think we know?
Some prayers are best left unanswered. This light-hearted romp will make you laugh and touch your heart as Betsy learns the truth about unanswered prayers and her own perception of God.
It's time to encounter the authentic Jesus! In this fresh and innovative series of short teaching films, church leader and gifted communicator Andy Frost asks us to take a new look at Jesus. Is he the Jesus we think we know?
A film and curriculum guide on the life and ministry of William Carey, the "Father of Modern Missions."
John Wesley is well known as the spiritual father of Methodism. His heartfelt struggles, his passion for authentic faith expressing itself through meaningful kingdom work, and his message of saving grace resonate with audiences of all ages and denominations.
This International Media Ministries short focuses on brokenness.
After unintentionally causing the death of his boss' daughter by his negligence, Carl desperately wants to be forgiven. Carl's boss, Gary, allows Carl to keep his job and maintain their friendship. But when an accident occurs with a new hire, Carl must choose whether or not to forgive as he has been forgiven.
The Pink Room is a true story of redemption, ordinary people becoming heros, Cambodians rising up with compassion to take back their country, and a town’s process of rebuilding from the inside-out. In a world where it is estimated that there are over one million children held captive and sexually abused, a flower blooms in the heart of Cambodia.
Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan's classic allegory of the Christian walk still has as powerful an impact as when it was written 300 years ago! Presented in spectacular full color, this animated version is an excellent way to introduce the timeless story to children of all ages--and re-introduce its portrayal of the themes of the Christian life to adults as well.
Bruce Marchiano stars in this dramatic production which helps viewers discover what may have happened during the miraculous journey on the Road to Emmaus.
Until Forever is a powerful account of one young man's courageous battle with cancer and his spiritual journey throughout the ordeal. Based on the true story of Michael and Michelle Boyum, Until Forever illustrates the strength of faith in the midst of the unknown.
Do you ever wonder if your life counts for anything and whether anyone really cares? This clip explores the question of our personal significance in an artistic and emotional way. When we discover the perfect love of God and how it fills the empty hole of insignificance, it can set us free to love others and changes our focus- to love and be loved.
In Somebody's Daughter you meet four men who could be your neighbors. They were looked up to by wives, children, church folk. But porn was secretly eating each of them alive, just like it's eating millions in the world today.
Dr. David Livingstone took the Gospel to Africa in word and deed. As a medical doctor he treated the sick, earning him the necessary trust and respect to teach the love of Christ which many Africans freely embraced. Then Livingstone turned his attention to exploration, seeing this work as much a spiritual calling as traditional missionary work. Facing danger and sickness he forged routes deep into the African interior sparking the imagination of many who would follow.
J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and George MacDonald were the pioneers of the fantasy genre, and their impact is unmistakable. Faith in Imagination: The Fantasy Makers examines the spiritual influences of these fantasy pioneers and the lasting impact their works have on our present-day culture.
Based on Henry van Dyke's classic, The Story of the Other Wise Man, this fictional story set in Biblical times is told in gently comic terms. A Magi named Artaban (Martin Sheen) sees a sign in the heavens that he hopes will lead him and his faithful servant to the Messiah. Artaban takes with him three precious gifts to present to the Messiah. For 33 years Artaban pursues Jesus, only to miss Him at every turn.
Host Christopher Gornold-Smith, historian and Bible teacher, takes you into the heart of each of the Gospels. Combining remarkable shots of the Holy Land with dramatized scenes and clear analysis of each gospel account, Christopher invites us into the world of Jesus.