The classic Beauty and the Beast tale with a twist.
Bobby Bowden built the Florida State football program into one of the perennial powers of the NCAA. Bowden is a winner. But what motivates the motivator?
Starting Over is a culturally-relevant dramatic film that addresses the HIV/AIDS crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa.
A 34-page companion guide to "Christianity and Islam" series.
This is the inspiring story of America's first native-born saint, Mother Seton. Kate Mulgrew gives a moving performance as St. Elizabeth Seton, a convert to Catholicism who overcame the great tragedy of the deaths of her young husband and two children, and went on to found the American Sisters of Charity and the first American Catholic schools. A film of unusual strength and beauty. Also starring Lorne Greene, John Forsythe, and Rossano Brazzi.
Full color, 32 page companion overview to supplement the Discovering the Bible video curriculum in .pdf format.
A comprehensive timeline of 2,000 years of Christian history. Featuring the events, people, and movements covered in issue #144: Christian history in images, this beautiful foldout also includes quotations from Christians throughout the world and down the centuries testifying to their Savior.
This full-color, 64-page booklet features the writings of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Dorothy Sayers, George MacDonald, and others, with daily reflections penned by modern influencers.
No Bright Lights gives an up close and personal profile of Networks Romania, a Christian relief organization reaching out to some of Romania’s poorest people. In a shifting social and political environment many Romanian children find themselves abandoned to the streets where they experience extreme poverty and injustice. Networks Romania works with the community to help stabilize families through word and deed expressions of the Gospel.
Are we really asking the “big questions” or have our lives, in an age of mass media accelerated beyond our ability to stop and reflect? In a Still Small Voice challenges us to ask questions about art and life in the context of what it means to be truly human.
After unintentionally causing the death of his boss' daughter by his negligence, Carl desperately wants to be forgiven. Carl's boss, Gary, allows Carl to keep his job and maintain their friendship. But when an accident occurs with a new hire, Carl must choose whether or not to forgive as he has been forgiven.
This International Media Ministries short focuses on brokenness.
The Pink Room is a true story of redemption, ordinary people becoming heros, Cambodians rising up with compassion to take back their country, and a town’s process of rebuilding from the inside-out. In a world where it is estimated that there are over one million children held captive and sexually abused, a flower blooms in the heart of Cambodia.
Do you ever wonder if your life counts for anything and whether anyone really cares? This clip explores the question of our personal significance in an artistic and emotional way. When we discover the perfect love of God and how it fills the empty hole of insignificance, it can set us free to love others and changes our focus- to love and be loved.
In Somebody's Daughter you meet four men who could be your neighbors. They were looked up to by wives, children, church folk. But porn was secretly eating each of them alive, just like it's eating millions in the world today.
With God On Our Side takes a hard look at the theology and politics of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God’s chosen people, Israeli government policies should not be questioned, even when these policies are unjust.
A two-part documentary on the global problem of human trafficking and the modern-day abolitionists who are fighting it.
Episode 12: David on the Run -- King Saul wants David dead but has failed to get him killed on the battlefield. In his madness, Saul throws a spear at David while he plays the lute for the king. Episode 13: A New King -- King Saul is in hot pursuit of David, who is hiding in a cave. When the king walks into the cave, David has the opportunity to kill the man who is trying to kill him.
Travel with families living with addiction, and learn how recovery, reconciliation and healing can happen.
Facing Extinction is a call to action for Western Christians to come to the aid of the Christians of Iraq. It gives specific advice on how individuals can lobby the U.S. government to change the current policy and work to end this humanitarian crisis before it is too late.
The fourth in the History of Christian Worship series, The Music explores how liturgy and music have enriched the celebration of God’s story throughout centuries of Christianity
"No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear." CS Lewis - A Grief Observed Loss comes in many forms: The grief over the death of a loved one, the devastation of a physical or mental impairment, the pain of divorce or separation, or the distress of job loss and foreclosure. The physical and emotional responses to grief can be as heart wrenching as the loss itself. So where does a person turn for answers and encouragement in a time of despair, doubt or fear?
What comes immediately to mind when you hear the word Switzerland? The majestic Alps, Swiss watches, international banking, chocolate and cheese? Switzerland encompasses all these things and more. Take an arm-chair journey through the sites and sounds of the real Switzerland in this fast paced, fun and informative documentary.
Digger is a curious youngster who would like to join in on the Halloween festivities, but some of his friends say that celebrating Halloween is wrong. His sister, Beth, calms Digger's fears by teaching him the Christian history of All Saint's day celebration.