Cherub Wings - Set of Sixteen - includes - Little Things Gratitude Attitude The Angel Song Follow the Leader Heaven's Troopers Never Outta Sight Moldy Gold Oops! Sorry! Out of Bounds And It Was So Shine Your Light The King's Castle Bold and Brave Little Heroes Choice Choices
Little Things teaches children that even the little things we do for God can have big effects!
In this episode, children will learn that by accepting Jesus' gift of forgiveness, they can receive him as Savior.
Through poems, stories and songs, children will learn that even just a little light can go a long way!
Children will learn that God is more important than material things or money.
Join Cherub and Chubby in this entertainingly heroic episode that encourages each one of us to be a bold and brave follower of God's Son!
From the Cherub Wings series, this program teaches children about respecting others and showing kindness and courtesy.
This episode teaches children the benefits of heeding the Bible and praying when faced with difficult choices.
Children will learn that God wants us to be thankful in all things.
This is a heartwarming presentation of the first Christmas that will help young children understand the true meaning of this occasion.
In this episode, through the example of Samuel who dedicated his life to God's service, we learn that we're never too young to hear God's call.
Children see how God can use young people to serve Him just as Daniel, Samuel and Josiah did.
Join Cherub as he entertainingly shows how much God does care about each one of us personally and individually.
Join Cherub as he takes us through an adventurous treasure hunt in search of eternal jewels left for us to discover in God's Word!
Children will discover how they only hurt themselves when they hold grudges and refuse to forgive.
This Cherub Wings adventure brings great delight while highlighting the benefits of healthy guidelines.
A fun-filled hour of the very best kid music videos from the popular “Cherub Wings” animated series. Your children will enjoy this musical and visual extravaganza while learning to apply Biblical principles at the same time!
Go Look in the Manger -- Eight-year-old Ricky borrows his mother's favorite record to take to school for show-and-tell on the condition that, if it is broken, he will get no Christmas presents. Candy Makers Christmas -- "Only the finest for the king," cheers the candy maker as he mixes and stirs and twirls his latest creation. As he walks into the snowy night, August is certain that he has made the perfect Christmas present for the royal family.
Beth and her Brother, Digger, can hardly wait for the Christmas celebration to come, so they are excited to learn that the church has a special season of waiting and preparing in expectation of the coming Savior: the season of Advent.
Use this five-part series to introduce your children and grandchildren to Jesus. If you are a parent or a grandparent, you are aware of the amazing capacity of small children to learn at a fantastic rate. They will pick up a lot you might wish they didn't. So don't miss the opportunity to insure they also are exposed to the most important sources that will deeply imprint their young hearts and minds for a lifetime.
Little Shepherd is a playful drama with an endearing message that will captivate the entire family. In the dark of night, the fields surrounding Bethlehem are alive with expectation. Wolves have been spotted and every shepherd is nervous -- including young Joel and his family. Yet what is about to happen is not expected at all!
In this animated program, Hans the shoemaker learns the true meaning of Christmas as he receives the ultimate gift.
Includes two episodes from the beloved Spunky series: Spunky's Circus Adventure and Spunky's Camping Adventure. Fullscreen.
Lovable puppies, a family Christmas, and a big city full of excitement all add up to an adventure that every child should experience. Spunky, our hero begins his journey to his new home and soon discovers how much it really means to have a loving master.