One of the most popular series from the Christian history collection. This gripping series of six half-hour programs, produced in consultation with an international team of scholars, takes you to the actual locations to show what the early church was like, how it spread, and the persecution it endured. Host for the award-winning series is Steve Bell. Actors Nigel Goodwin, Russell Boulter, and Jane Campion dramatize leading figures and events from the early church.
Alternate formats: Digital Video - $2.99
Won at the Angel Awards 1991
Won at the Columbus International Film Festival 1991
Won at the Houston International Film & Video Festival 1991
Won CINE Film Festival 1992
One of the most popular series from the Christian history collection. This gripping series of six half-hour programs, produced in consultation with an international team of scholars, takes you to the actual locations to show what the early church was like, how it spread, and the persecution it endured. Host for the award-winning series is Steve Bell. Actors Nigel Goodwin, Russell Boulter, and Jane Campion dramatize leading figures and events from the early church. Fullscreen.
The six programs are:
Program 1: Foundation
What do we know about Christ? What happened to his twelve apostles?
Program 2: Spread
A word for all peoples. An impossible task! Yet they blanketed the whole Roman Empire. How did these early believers get their message to the world?
Program 3: Accusation
The Roman Empire had room for all kinds of religions, yet Christianity just didn't fit. Many charges were leveled against the believers - some will surprise you.
Program 4: Persecution
The mightiest empire in history unleashed repeated waves of persecution against the early believers. Why was the unarmed church such a threat to Rome?
Program 5: Testimony
Heroic figures emerged. Their effect on the young church was far-reaching. Here are two: Polycarp and Perpetua.
Program 6: Transition
When the Emperor Constantine came to the throne, the church was granted legal standing. Was this a blessing or a bane? Also, why the early church succeeded.
Multiple Award Winner:
-Chris Award from Columbus International Film & Video Festival
-Gold Award from Houston International Film & Video Festival
-Silver Angel from Angel Awards
-Golden Eagle Award from CINE
-Award for Best Series from Christian Visual Media International
PDFs included on the DVD:
-Leader's Guide with background information, discussion questions, and optional Bible study.
-Student handouts for each session.
-Program scripts.
-Script of early church document, Octavius of Minucius Felix, upon which program 3 is based.
Note: Formerly titled - From Christ To Constantine
Previously known as From Christ to Constantine, this 1990 video series is now available as a three hour DVD. Going to the locations for dramatic re-enactments of events, we learn what the early believers encountered as they testified and spread the church. The six 30-minute programs are: Foundations, Spread, Accusations, Persecutions, Testimony, and Transition. This complete curriculum package is designed so that lay people can lead a study group as they view and discuss our early church history. The complete boxed package includes: six 30-minute videos programs (1 DVD and 2VHS tapes), leader’s guide, reproducible study worksheets, an excellent companion book, and issue of Christian History magazine on the persecution of the early church, six issues of Glimpses, and scripts.
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