In wartime Holland, Corrie ten Boom and her family of watchmakers quietly sheltered Jews in their small house—until Nazis discovered the "hiding place" and arrested them all. This is the gripping, true story of Corrie and her sister's endurance in the horrors of the Ravensbruck death camp, and their sure hope that God is the true hiding place. Starring, Julie Harris and Jeannette Clift.
The true story of a family that fought the Nazi madness with the only weapon they had. Love. Beautifully restored, this inspiring story of Holocaust survivor Corrie ten Boom now outshines its own stunning 1975 Hollywood premiere. In wartime Holland, the Ten Boom family quietly sheltered Jews in their small house—until Nazis discovered the “hiding place”. This is the remarkable true story of Corrie and her sister Betsie’s endurance of the death camp, and their sure hope that God alone is the true hiding place.
The Hiding Place remains the most popular movie ever produced by World Wide Pictures, the motion picture ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. “The Hiding Place” stars Julie Harris, Eileen Heckart, Arthur O’Connell, and Jeannette Clift in her Golden Globe nominated role as Corrie ten Boom. With the Nazi invasion of Holland, the ten Boom family joins the underground resistance to help save persecuted Jewish families. But when they are arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps themselves, they’re left with nothing to cling to but their faith. Painstakingly restored, this amazing true story of Holocaust survivor Corrie ten Boom has been called “one of the 10 best films of 1975″ (Jeffrey Lyons).
DVD Features:
Five Dubbed Languages: English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish
Subtitles: English
Widescreen format
Bonus Material:
- Behind the scenes with Corrie ten Boom
- Collectors edition Two Disc set
- Biographies of Corrie, cast & crew
- Entire Corrie Ten Boom video Anthology
It's been more than 50 years since the horrors of Ravensbruck, Dachau and Auschwitz—since showers became death traps and chimneys spewed the residue of Nazi hatred. But amid that darkness shone a light. Just as Hitler's wartime atrocities are indelibly etched on the human conscience, the love, faith and sacrifice of one Christian family lives on as a testimony of goodness and hope. Available on home video, The Hiding Place tells Corrie ten Boom's dramatic real-life account of her family's outreach to Jews desperate to escape Nazi tyranny—and the consequences they faced for the cause of Christ. It is a deftly handled, well acted, spiritually uplifting period piece tastefully infused with chilling realism. The story begins with the German occupation of Holland. After prayerful consideration, the ten Booms open their home to Jews seeking refuge from the Gestapo. The family is discreet and cunning. Though gentiles, they risk everything for their Jewish kin. "Remember," Papa says, "it is the Jews who gave us the Bible ... and our Savior." Soon, oppression turns to persecution, and cruelty leads to holocaust. The family is imprisoned and later banished to concentration camps. But their faith never wavers. The film explores issues such as trusting God's sovereignty despite circumstances, overcoming the temptation to hate one's enemies and reacting when the laws of God and government conflict—as well as the pricelessness of Scripture, the value of human life and other rich discussion material. While The Hiding Place is a bittersweet tale suitable for parents and teens, it includes a few violent moments that make it inappropriate for children. A man is shot. A woman's hand is bloodily broken with the butt of a gun. Disturbing beatings and other inhumane treatment occurs in the death camp. But despite the horror, this timeless story serves to praise God and encourage believers. A poignant epilogue features an elderly Corrie ten Boom concluding, "No pit is so deep that He is not deeper still." It's a truth worth reinforcing with teens.
Remains one of the best films ever produced by a faith-based group… avoids the glibness and moralizing that hamper so many religious productions.
This intense This story is a superbly produced drama about the lives, sufferings, and triumphant joys of the ten Boom family. Imprisoned in Nazi Germany’s Ravensbrook concentration camp for helping to save the lives of Jews by harboring them in their Holland home, Corrie ten Boom and her sister, Betsie, suffer inhuman treatment at the hands of Nazi prison guards. The love between the two sisters and toward their God deepens as their trials intensify. Although “The Hiding Place” contains some brief scenes of violence and almost indiscernible cursing, it is extremely valuable and highly recommended. There is something very special and sobering about watching a show like this, always knowing that both the terrible sufferings and the triumphant joys were real. Try to provide an atmosphere as free from potential interruptions as possible. Doing so will greatly enhance this inspiring and timeless story.
The film centers on a family of Danish Calvinists, the ten Boom family, during Nazi occupation. Headed by watchmaker abd patriarch Casper ten Boom, the family has their lives and faith thrown out of control by the invasion of deep hatred into their world. Casper takes a firm stand against the Nazi movement. In one case he actually begins wearing the infamous Star of David patch the Jewish population was forced to wear. But as the tides of Nazi hatred rise, Casper and his daughters Corrie and Betsie quietly join an underground movement. They soon find themselves helping their Jewish neighbors escape and allow others to hide in their home. It isn’t long before the family is found out and they are sent to the camps. The remainder of the film is very difficult to watch since the narrative offers an unflinching look at the hellish life Corrie and Betise ten Boom endured in the Ravensbrook concentration camp. The first portion of the film is sincere and quiet. The ten Boom family are intent on remaining absolute to the faith regardless of what comes. This section is quaint in many places but offers some great insight to Christian morality. The family doesn’t turn from the fight when evil arrives on their doorstep, they do what they can to help beat the darkness away. All of the actions they take, every soul they try to save from the cruel machinations of mankind is an act of love and faith. When they are sent to the camps, the film changes drastically. The opening with its charming displays of reason and faith is just a kind contrast to the hell that follows. Director James F. Collier offers one of the bleakest and visceral portrayals of life in a concentration camp. A feeling of endless dread soaks the camp scenes. The grungy and soulless look of the camp serves as a sharp conflict to the resilient faith of the sisters as they find God even in the darkest of holes. It is easy to focus on the camp scenes and look to the bravery of the ten Boom sisters. Their willingness to continue to suffer and risk their lives to profess the power and love of Jesus Christ even in the dank barracks of Ravensbrook is stunning. I believe one of the major points of the film can be found elsewhere. I think the real power of the film is in the opening scenes. The ten Boom family’s faith instills an immediate revulsion to evil and this drives them to literally sacrifice themselves for others when the time comes. It is made clear in the first act of the film that the family’s faith is so strong that it is second nature for them to step up when they are asked. When the family is destroyed and imprisoned their unyielding faith is inspiring. This film shows that their faith didn’t grow out of the misery. It existed in the good times and it was just as strong. I believe this film shows the importance of working on one’s faith when the times are good as well as the bad. It isn’t enough to plead for God to save you when the storm clouds roll in. To have a firm faith you must also go to him when the sun is shines. The ten Boom’s faith is nearly identical whether they’re resting comfortably in their parlor or shivering in cold hell of the camps. This is a great film on many levels. I highly recommend it. From my review, my non-Christians readers may want to dismiss this piece. I’m telling you that is a mistake. This film doesn’t shy away from the Christian faith but it doesn’t sermonize either. The characters are committed Christians so they act in kind, but this isn’t a Christian film like the kinds we see today. This film is actually well done.
A true story of love and devotion. A family does what is right, and good and most of them pay with their lives. The world had gone mad after Satan's plans; but the Ten Boom family were Christlike. I have seen this move many times. I am touched by the ten Boom family love for the hurting and needy. True examples of what Jesus would do. Get this movie, you will not be sorry.
I was very moved by this film. I've read the book and was moved by it as well. Because the story is true and this family did exist and their faith was that strong, this movie does not seem trite in the least. The family paid a very high price for what they believed, which is that God's Law is above human law in all situations in all circumstances....and at the very gates of Hell.
This is the true story of the heroic Ten Boom family who, during the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands. asked themselves the question, "If not us...who; if not now...when?" They answered it, and ultimately their response cost most of them their lives. This is their story, as told from the perspective of the sole survivor, Corrie Ten Boom. The Ten Booms were devoutly Christian and lived a simple life, working in their watch shop that had been in their family for over a hundred years. When the Nazis occupied Holland, they were appalled by the treatment of their fellow Jewish citizens at the hands of the Nazis. Initially, the seventy year old patriarch of the family, played to perfection by Arthur O'Connell, took to wearing a Jewish star himself in sympathy with their oppressed Jewish friends. As time went on, members of this heroic family began working with an underground, partisan group. When it became clear that Jews were being targeted for death and deportation, however, the family also began to hide terrified Jews in their home, after constructing a false wall in one of their bedrooms, thereby creating a secret room. Eventually denounced by someone to the Nazis, they are arrested in their home which is then torn apart by the Gestapo, in their search for the Jews they believe to be hiding there. At the time of their arrest, the Ten Boom home was filled to capacity with Jews in hiding. So well concealed was the hidden room that had been created by the erection of the false wall, that these poor, terrified Jews managed to escape detection. The five Ten Booms, however, did not fare so well and were sent to the notorious Ravensbruck death camp, where Corrie and her sister, Betsie, managed to stay together. It is here that they learn the true depths of man's inhumanity to man, and Corrie's Christian faith is sorely tested. Betsie, affectingly played by the superb Julie Harris, does not survive the rigors and deprivations of Ravensbruck and dies. Within two weeks of her beloved sister's death, Corrie is miraculously released from Ravensbruck. It is years later that she learns that her release was a result of clerical error and that shortly after her release, middle-aged women, such as she, were systemically being put to death. Corrie was the only member of the Ten Boom family to survive the concentration camp experience. She told their story in a book upon which the movie is based. At the end of the film, the real Corrie Ten Boom, in her eighties at the time of the filming, appears and, in a profoundly moving way, tells why she told the story of her family. She is a stark reminder of the innate goodness to be found in humanity and is a strong counterpoint to the cruelty of the Nazi regime. I first saw this movie when it was first released in the mid nineteen seventies. It was as moving then, as it is now, twenty five years later. The themes which it touches upon are timeless. This superbly made film with its haunting musical score is peppered with award caliber performances. It is simply a great movie...Bravo!
an incredeble movie and an amazing story of survival and courage that continues to live and give testimony in today's world.
This is a wonderful movie.... highly recommended. It is not widely known that many and diverse people were the victims of Nazi horrors. This film focuses upon a family of Christians who helped their Jewish neighbors escape and are themselves imprisoned.
I had never heard of this movie before and thank God that I purchased it. My whole family watched it and were very moved by the story. I recommend it to everyone of faith.
A very well done adaptation of Corrie ten Boom's book about her family and their involvement in the Dutch Underground during WWII. The ten Boom's were able to hide, move, and save scores of Jews until one of their "friends" turned them in. Corrie and her sister Betsie (both in their 50's) were imprisoned in Scheveningen Prison until being transfered to Ravensbruck Concentration Camp. Their 84 yr old father, brother, nephew and other sister were all arrested at the same time. The book is an absolute must read, as it is able to go into much more detail than the movie.
The Hiding Place is a very good adaptation of the book about Corrie Ten Boom's family's treatment at the hands of the Hitler regime. It is heartbreaking and inspirational. The acting is exceptional. Be sure to have a hanky handy.
Very poignant accounting of one family's experiences during the Holocaust in Europe during WWII and they deep, abiding faith in a Sovereign God.