The remarkable history of the British choral tradition is explored in this 8-part series about the glories of religious music. As your ears enjoy this extraordinary musical journey, your eyes will feast on the beautiful scenery of ruined abbeys, the glorious English countryside, its grand cathedrals, beautiful gardens, and lofty churches throughout the country.
Crown Awards 1999
Worldfest - Flagstaff 1998
Columbus International Film & Video Festival 1998
This eight-part series about the glories of religious music, travels on an extraordinary musical journey through the remarkable history of the British choral tradition. Ten centuries of song will unfold as renowned organist and choir master Barry Rose explores the great traditions of church music — from the purity of tenth-century plainchant, invented by Pope Gregory to help his missioning monks teach their new converts the Scriptures and services, to the thunderous beat of a late twentieth-century rock-and-roll Christian band.
Filmed in ruined abbeys, glorious countryside, grand cathedrals, beautiful gardens and lofty churches throughout Britain, Heavenly Voices is a feast for eyes and ears.
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