This video presents a Christian perspective on sex and reveals to teens the reasons for pre-marital abstinence. It focuses not only on the physical, but also reveals the male/female perspective on the emotional and relation and relational benefits from living according to the Biblical truths on sexuality.
Before a teen audience, Pam gives a powerful presentation on sex, love and relationships.Teenagers love Pam Stenzel because she tells it to them straight, mincing no words in showing how the pervasive sexual permissiveness of our culture is a deceptive trap. Every young person should have the benefit of the hard-hitting reality check. Pam’s message is helping thousands avoid disastrous consequences of unwise choices. This is material every teenager deserves to know. It concerns nothing less than their whole life and future. Formerly known as Sex Has a Price Tag
At a seminar for high school students dealing with sex and relationships from a Christian perspective, Jason Evert, M.A. took the guys aside and Ellen Marie, M.S., took the girls aside for separate sessions where participants could ask any question they wanted related to this important subject area. The answers given are as candid as the questions but full of understanding and respect for the struggles of young people today.