How does a plot that involves the assassination attempts of President Reagan and Pope John Paul II, KGB scheming, and CIA intrigue become the final act to topple the Soviet Empire?
The Science Fiction Makers: Rosseau, Lewis and L’Engle is a feature documentary that examines three integral writers who over the past century wrote within the Christian Science Fiction genre.
We are not alone…A Sci Fi Thriller Who are the Watchers? Is a race of benign extraterrestrials secretly influencing the world’s governments? Are these creatures really ancient aliens sent to protect humanity from self-destruction, or are they evil beings set on deception as the world approaches its final days?
What must I do to be saved? That was the question asked of the apostle Paul nearly 2,000 years ago. His answer resonates to this very day.
Waiting for a miracle, the Mennonite refugees had nothing left to do but pray. Pray they would escape long enough to board the ship waiting to take them far away, to the only country that would take them. The destination was the jungles of Paraguay. The ship was Volendam.
Includes The Apocalypse and Paul the Apostle.
George Washington Carver was born a slave. By the end of his life, presidents and corporate titans valued his friendship. This excellent documentary follows the life of the African-American scientist and reveals his passion for service to others.
When the family patriarch dies suddenly, the Delvecchio's are thrown into crisis. Family secrets and simmering feuds between brothers, fathers and sons threaten to undo the family until God intervenes.
For generations the name Albert Schweitzer has been synonymous with hands-on compassion and the power of Christ-like sacrifice. Now director Gavin Miller presents a landmark drama about the legendary Christian medical missionary.
Zizka took a handful of peasants, outfitted them with farm implements, and defeated more than 100,000 of the finest knights in the world. He revived military techniques not used since the Romans and developed a forerunner of the modern tank and by the way Jan Zizka was blind.
Bobby Bowden built the Florida State football program into one of the perennial powers of the NCAA. Bowden is a winner. But what motivates the motivator?
Bringing Joshua Home tells the personal story of one family who successfully adopted a Russian child. Arthur and Hanna Rasco share the challenges, joys, and drama of adopting their baby boy from Moscow and introducing him into their family. If you've ever wondered what it is like to adopt internationally, this film gives an inside, real-life look into the process from start to finish.
Being fruitful in the marketplace. “The Call to Business” is a wake-up call to business men and women to understand that God has called and anointed them to serve him "full-time" in the marketplace.
Chain of Life tells the inspirational story of Rick Boyle, a man who overcame extraordinary obstacles to become an avid long distance bicyclist, mentor of young people, and a teacher in his church.
Follow Daniel Boone as he leads thirty settlers and their families from North Carolina to Kentucky where they face menacing Indians and renegade bandits. This 1936 production stars George O’Brien as Daniel Boone.
In this emotionally charged program, teenagers open up their hearts with a rare and raw honesty to reveal the devastating hurt they feel inside when they cannot lovingly connect with their dads. Teens will find that they are not alone and will better understand what some of their peers are going through. Great for youth, dads, or family programs.
This beautifully produced travel/adventure documentary features stunning photography as it follows several mountain climbers as they attempt to summit one of the highest peaks in the Swiss Alps. Witness how their struggles and triumphs become powerful metaphors for their faith journeys. Christians and spiritual seekers will be challenged and inspired by the life lessons these climbers encounter at the Summit Cross. Lovers of extreme sports and nature will be especially fascinated by this striking documentary.
A look at the accomplishments of this remarkable 100-plus-year-old man.
Through personal stories of ordinary people at work and expert insight and advice from some of today’s leading voices on faith and work, you will discover that vocation or calling is about much more than your paid job. This series will challenge you to look at work in a whole new way and reap the positive returns of connecting your identity in Christ to your daily vocations.
There is life after the storm. A young man's perspective is challenged when he learns that his estranged father is dying. Now he must face the truth before his bitterness destroys him. Featuring Antoine McKay (Empire) and Mimi Sagadin, (Return to the Hiding Place)
An intimate portrait of the influential missionary's life and legacy.
When the family patriarch dies suddenly, the Delvecchio's are thrown into crisis. Family secrets and simmering feuds between brothers, fathers and sons threaten to undo the family until God intervenes.
Milltown Pride tells of a young man who dreams of playing professional baseball, his rise as a baseball star, his fall from grace, and the redemption he finds through faith and love.
Navajo Code Talkers of WWII provides viewers with highly personal insights from a group of Native American war heroes regarding their service on behalf of the United States and the Navajo Nation.