This film is about the agonizing spiritual crisis of C. S. Lewis when his wife died from cancer. The love, grief, pain, and sorrow were so shattering to Lewis that his basic Christian beliefs, magnificently communicated in his many books, were now called into serious doubt.
A drama dealing with the global problem of human trafficking.
The Shortest Way Home: C.S. Lewis & Mere Christianity is an introductory review to Lewis’s classic work on issues of faith and reason. Viewers will find honest discussion and helpful insights for the tough questions asked by Christians and skeptics alike.
When faith takes root, life blossoms. Kris Kivi is an everyday man who has lost his family to a tragic accident and his job to the recession. Forced to play his guitar on the streets for donations, Kris must overcome harassment from a small town gang as well as prejudice from members of a local church.
Join Dr. Chris Sinkinson on a journey of discovery to the Holy Land.
Since the early 1990s, Christians all over the world have been singing the songs of modern-day psalmist Dennis Jernigan, including “You Are My All in All,” “Thank You, Lord!” and “When I Fell in Love with You.” His music and ministry, sparked by his lifelong struggle with homosexuality and the healing that came through his relationship with Jesus Christ, have led him on a remarkable journey of redemption.
This program gives a basic introduction to the colossal achievement of Solomon's Temple and details its design, construction, meaning for Israel, and what went on there and why. Solomon's Temple was destroyed in 586 B.C., but through the use of modern computer graphics, the Temple is reconstructed visually to provide a contemporary experience of its ritual, beauty and grandeur.
Host David Nunn takes us to the original locations where the dramatic events of the Book of Acts took place and unfolds the impact of Paul's message of the risen Savior upon those communities. This captivating program explores the route of Paul’s second missionary journey and his adventures along the way. The places visited include Neapolis, Phillipi, Thessalonica, Berea, Meteroa, Corinth, Ephesus, and Jerusalem. This is a fascinating way of visualizing the historical context of the Bible, making it a valuable learning resource for group or individual study.
After the loss of the family farm, the Thompsons head west for a fresh start. John’s struggle to provide for his family is bolstered by the childlike faith of his young son who, despite his new environment, inspires everyone he meets to consider the true meaning of Christmas. After a mysterious stagecoach rider visits in the dark hours of Christmas Eve, even John must believe that his troubles are temporary, and miracles do happen on Christmas.
A companion to Murray D. Finck's popular Stretch and Pray book, this helpful DVD features Pastor Finck guiding you through forty gentle stretches, movements, and postures to improve physical and spiritual well-being.
You know of her through the TV series "Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye." Now here is the rest you didn’t know, and her story is sure to capture a place in your heart. In this program, Sue tells how God helped her overcome daunting obstacles to share her message of hope and inspiration with others.
Diagnosed as totally deaf at the age of 18 months, Sue Thomas nevertheless went on to a successful career in the FBI. Her exploits were dramatized in the popular TV series, "Sue Thomas F.B. Eye." As an international speaker, Sue has shared the story of God's power to use her mightily in spite of tremendous obstacles.
Have you ever imagined being inside the Holy Tabernacle, the Old Testament place of God's dwelling, the meeting place of perfect God and sinful man? The Tabernacle Special Edition DVD brings this holy place to life as never before. Digitally re-mastered and re-edited to include additional scenes and bonus features, this Special Edition DVD exquisitely recreates the sights and sounds of the Tabernacle with stunning clarity.
In this colorful, award-winning PBS documentary, Mennonite historian John Ruth takes us sympathetically into the Amish mindset. An updated look at Amish origins, beliefs, farm life, childhood, school, worship, recreation, courtship, horse transportation, barn-raising, land pressures and cottage industry.
When the power of God hit Los Angeles...The Azusa Street Revival of 1906. One hundred years ago a movement like none other since shook the very foundations of the American church. People reported speaking in tongues, new denominations were formed, and the Charismatic Movement was born. This documentary looks, in depth, at the inception of this movement and the mystery and controversy surrounding some of its beliefs.
From the makers of The Chosen Series, this special Christmas program was produced and released as a preview of the ongoing and widely watched web/television series about Jesus and his disciples.
SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY EDITION A TWO-DVD SET! Featuring "The Cross and the Switchblade" and "Run Baby Run"
How does a plot that involves the assassination attempts of President Reagan and Pope John Paul II, KGB scheming, and CIA intrigue become the final act to topple the Soviet Empire?
This is the amazing biography of the blind hymn writer, Fanny Crosby. As the writer of more than 10,000 hymns, all penned after the age of 40, she is credited with authoring more verse than any human in history.
This ambitious project is designed to be the most detailed worldwide television presentation of the Orthodox Church, Her traditions, and Her sacramental life. The programs, produced in English and Greek, will serve as an educational tool for the Christian Orthodox Church in addressing the needs of a world-dispersed audience, and in making Orthodoxy better understood among those who are unfamiliar with this ancient Christian Church.
An upbeat, informative journey through Jerusalem with host David Nunn.
Filmed and dramatized entirely on authentic locations of the Holy Land and the Middle East, this is the most elaborate and extensive film ever made on the Last Supper. Jesus met with his twelve disciples in the "upper room" in Jerusalem, where they shared that historic meal. It was the traditional Jewish Passover "Seder" meal, which to this day symbolizes the deliverance from slavery to freedom and is commemorated for the last supper the ancient Hebrews shared before leaving Egypt, on their long journey to the Promised Land.
Join Keith Garner as he asks questions about the life and impact of Jesus Christ in The Man of Galilee documentary series.
As an ex-convict, Lee Ferguson’s biggest desire is to leave his past behind and make a fresh start with Katie, his new love. But when Lee finds out Katie is a Christian, his pre-conceived ideas and her moral standards clash. Through engaging action and drama, this film explores temptation, sin, forgiveness and redemption, while helping seekers and believers understand one another!