This documentary tells the true account of the courageous young martyr of the early church. Hosted by Mike Aquilina.
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This documentary tells the true account of the courageous young martyr of the early church. Join well-known author Mike Aquilina as he recounts the history and message of this timeless true story and its relevance for us today. Containing footage taken at the actual sites where the story took place in Carthage, Tunisia, this documentary will inform as well as inspire.
Mike Aquilina is vice-president of St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology and author of more than a dozen books on Catholic history, doctrine and devotion as well as co-host with Scott Hahn of EWTN’s series “Swear to God.”
DVD includes English and Spanish languages and subtitles. Fullscreen.
From the makers of "Catholic Heroes of the Faith: The Story of Saint Perpetua" cartoon, comes a documentary about St. Perpetua for teens and adults. In "The Passion of Saint Perpetua: Martyr of the Faith" DVD, author Mike Aquilina retells this early Church martyr's fascinating story -- punctuated by footage from Carthage, Tunisia, where the events took place.
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