Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story shows how she served New York's poor and became a voice for the voiceless. The film shows Dorothy’s struggle as she establishes the Catholic Worker movement and commits herself to a lifetime of peacemaking, battling for justice, and hands-on service to the poor.
The touching story of Father Damien, who went to the island of Molokai to minister to the lepers who had been exiled there.
The powerful epic of Francesca Cabrini, an Italian immigrant who builds an empire of hope unlike anything the world had ever seen.
This documentary tells the true account of the courageous young martyr of the early church. Hosted by Mike Aquilina.
Join Rainer Wälde as he sets out on a fascinating journey through Europe on the trail of the Celtic saints. Discover the origins of Christianity in Ireland and journey with the Irish monks as they embark on their great adventure through France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy.
Bright, young Augustine thinks his mother’s religion is foolishness. When he finds himself in an important position as “The Voice of the Emperor,” Augustine must choose whom he will serve.
Find out why the man known as St. Patrick is credited with bringing the Gospel to Ireland in this episode of Catholic Heroes of the Faith.
The extraordinary story of Catholic priest and missionary, Father Clemente Vismara, is told in this compelling documentary.
Learn about Patrick’s extraordinary life in this docu-drama, featuring enlightening interviews with noted scholars and captivating reenactments of Patrick’s life.
Join Rainer Wälde as he sets out on a fascinating journey through Europe on the trail of the Celtic saints. Discover the origins of Christianity in Ireland and journey with the Irish monks as they embark on their great adventure through France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy.
Bright, young Augustine thinks his mother’s religion is foolishness. When he finds himself in an important position as “The Voice of the Emperor,” Augustine must choose whom he will serve.
Find out why the man known as St. Patrick is credited with bringing the Gospel to Ireland in this episode of Catholic Heroes of the Faith.
In the days of the Early Church, Perpetua, an affluent young mother, is charged with converting to Christianity and is sent to prison. But Perpetua's freedom can be secured easily. All Perpetua has to do is offer one pinch of incense in honor to the Roman gods. With this simple act of devotion and loyalty to the Roman Empire Perpetua can regain her freedom and return to her son and a life of comfort.
The amazing and inspiring life of St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (1786 –1842) is beautifully depicted in this full-length feature film. Joseph was the firstborn of twelve children. Struggles with his own health and schooling made him an unlikely candidate to become one who would bring relief and healing to thousands.
Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story shows how she served New York's poor and became a voice for the voiceless. The film shows Dorothy’s struggle as she establishes the Catholic Worker movement and commits herself to a lifetime of peacemaking, battling for justice, and hands-on service to the poor.
The extraordinary story of Catholic priest and missionary, Father Clemente Vismara, is told in this compelling documentary.
Francis and Clare of Assisi — two figures of the Middle Ages who went against all conventions of the times and whose way of life is still a challenge. With both beautiful photography that takes you to the places frequented by Clare and Francis and original music with medieval melodies, their extraordinary tale is told.
The story of the appearance of the Virgin Mary in Guadalupe, Mexico in 1531.
Hildegard of Bingen was one of the most remarkable women of the Middle Ages—an Abbess and woman of God, a visionary, naturalist, playwright, political moralist, and composer. Born in 1098, she was beset by the most extraordinary religious visions from the age of eight-visions which she wrote down, painted, dramatized, and set to music. This substantial legacy of her visionary writings and songs are unique for their mystic power and beauty. They serve as some of the most radiant and illuminating accounts of religious experience ever.
This drama, starring Andrea Syglowski, presents the story of a peasant girl chosen to bring the message of Mercy to mankind in preparation for The Last Day — The Day of Judgment.
The touching story of Father Damien, who went to the island of Molokai to minister to the lepers who had been exiled there.
Discover the secrets the beauty of the ancient Irish church as host Rainer Walde goes on the trail of Celtic Saints.
In this incredible documentary film, Padre Pio tells his story. The voice of the simple friar lives on through his own writings, recalling various moments from his remarkable life.
Learn about Patrick’s extraordinary life in this docu-drama, featuring enlightening interviews with noted scholars and captivating reenactments of Patrick’s life.